Hello Darling Friend!
Thank you for taking the time to read this full disclosure. Please know that the information provided in this space is meant to inspire you to find the best path for you. Your path cannot and should not be the same as mine. Ever. You are miraculously unique and so is your journey.
Personal Experience
What I provide is the knowledge and wisdom that I have learned through my own personal experience, lots of trial & error, and a genuine curiosity to decondition myself so that I may learn to feel my way outside the boxes this culture shoves us into from the time we are born.
I am 100% self-taught. And if you have the desire to learn about what fits you best, you should be too. You need to experience things to know what you know. Outside information can supplement your journey, but it can never nuture it the way personal experience does.
If you are here reading this, I know that you share this same type of curiosity.
It must fit you
We are continuously evolving. Not only is my path never the same as your path, what worked for you yesterday, may not work for you today. Change is a constant. So listen. And trust yourself.
Nobody can know what is best for you better than you do. This is the most important message that I wish to transmit. If you take away nothing else, take away this.
Again remind yourself to listen and trust.
If something I write gets you excited and inspires you to change something in your life or try something new, then do it with openness and awareness. Go at your own pace. Take what serves you and mold it to fit your dreams and desires and provide you what you need in this moment. Make it yours. Always.
My way, my opinion, my life… None of these things are ever the absolute truth (not even for me). And they are definitely not better than what you know to be true for you. Remember this the next time ANYBODY ELSE tries to push you into their beliefs. It is not one size fits all.
We are all just a speck and yet the Universe was made for each one of us. May we learn how to be both humble and grand.
The only truth lies in loving and accepting ourselves the most graceful way we can on any given day. All the best stuff blooms from here.
Full Disclosure – This is not advice
I am not offering you advice here. I am simply sharing my fullest experiences of life.
Some things will stimulate you. Turn on that lightbulb in your heart. Others will not. This is perfect.
I know that you have just as much life-made knowledge and wisdom to share with me. So please share. None of us need to prove our expertise on anything. We are all equally expert in the experiencing of life fully. This is enough to make what we have to offer valuable. It is up to the person receiving your wisdom to use it or not.
We do not have to agree on everything to feel deeply connected
If we were all exactly the same there would be nothing to learn. Our diversity is our strength. The world is sucking us into this idea of conformity. It has been for a long time.
We live in a society of masks, filters and facades, We do not need more pressure to appear perfect. May we embrace our imperfections. This is where the light shines in.
We are all pieces of the same puzzle, this beautiful collective. However, in order to be complete each piece must be unique. It is a prerequisite. This is the magnificence of true coexistence and connection.
It is all connected
You may wonder why I write about so many different things. Fitness, nutrition, meditation and yoga, nature, travel, lifestyle, consumerism, parenting, education, marriage, stress, lonliness, connection, mindset, change, difficulty, gratitude…
Well, they are all connected. When you open yourself up to this idea, everything begins to click. We understand that we need to take care of our life as a whole in order to obtain wholeness.
We cannot live FULL lives when we separate the aspects of our lives into neat, convenient categories. Well-being in one category is not possible when other categories are out of balance.
Full Disclosure – Final Message
I repeat, I am not an expert at anything except living life completely.
I hope to become a dear friend who facilitates life with you. Not make it easier (this is impossible), but make it easier to respond effectively to…
facilitate the preparation and the practice because life requires a lifetime of both these things. We will never get it perfect, but we can grow our confidence knowing that we have the ability to get through it all. And we do it even better together.
Together we learn to breathe easier in the difficulty and the doubt.
It is possible to flow through a storm.
We make one another breathe easier just by reminding one another that we are not alone.
This is the power of connection.
Wishing you a beautifully blessed journey. May you squeeze the juice out of every encounter and experience. This is where the true sweetness lies and this is how we nurture our whole.
Get to know more about me and Inspired with Danni at MEET DANNI.
Hope to hear from you real soon. Connect with me here.