Have you ever doubted God? Do you believe more in God when things work out and less when tragedy hits? I am not a believer in any one thing, but today I am making sense of life, death, and God. At least, I am trying to.
Why We Must Pay More Attention To Offering Love
Today I offer two stories that may break your sensitive heart. They are reminders about the importance of paying attention and offering love. Today is the day we remember that we are the heroes of the world.
When You Are Somewhere Between Despair and Dreams
It is possible to experience both our despair and our dreams at the same time and it is important to hold on to both. This is what I am doing here. This is what I am sharing with you today.
How To Practice Forgiveness – 6 Ways To Release Hurt & Anger
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things we can ask of ourselves. But practicing forgiveness is freedom. Begin to heal your hurt with these 6 forgiveness practices.