Time tends to get stolen by things that do not matter most to us. This week I chose to do less and pay more attention to everything. Specifically time. Here is what I noticed and learned.
How To Best Support Your Greatest Intentions For The Whole Year
Our greatest intentions need support. We forget this. And so our purpose escapes us. But it does not have to be this way. Here are a few suggestions to hold on to them all year long.
The Word of 2024: Where Does Our Greatest Intention For The New Year Come From?
he beginning of a new year is simply a continuation. However, this does not exclude us choosing a new word for 2024 and this is how we do it.
There Is Always Time For Growth – 12 Reminders For The Holidays & New Year
Reminders are a big part of my day, every day. During the holiday season and beyond here are some healthy relationship reminders for all of us.
Dreaming My Way To My First Book – How To Face The Doubt With Determination
Grief and loss, Moments of doubt. The importance of our dreams. Empowering ourselves. Good news and a sad princess. This is what we speak about in today’s blog post and more.
How To Protect Joy In This Unjust World – Care For Your Heart Today
The world is so unfair. This moment is quite heavy for all of humanity. When someone is suffering we suffer. Is it ok to protect our heart from the pain? Yes and not only. We have a responsibility to protect joy. Here’s how we do it.
How To Choose Yourself First – Lessons On Paying Attention
We have such a difficult time stepping outside of our plan. However, it is often when you step away that you choose to choose yourself first.
How To Transcend Fear and Anxiety – On Becoming Fearless
So many of us focus on becoming fearless. The goal however, is not to eliminate fear, but learn how to transcend it. Read more to find out how.
10 Daily Reminders That You Need To Use To Love Yourself, Be Grateful and Feel Empowered
A daily reminder is a word, phrase, or set of phrases that remind us how we want to show up and pushes us forward when we feel like giving up. Here are 10 daily reminders to save you every day!
7 Mindset Makeovers – How to Switch Self-Sabotaging into Best Self
Most of us self-sabotage way too often. This prevents us from reaching our full potential. Learn to switch debilitating mindsets to empowerment and find your best self.
How to become a happier human being – 4 truths about arriving at the happy life
Why is it so impossible to just be happy and live a happy life? Have you ever caught yourself saying this or something similar? I laugh at the just. It implies that protecting this happy state is so easy. Aaah,…
How to Understand When You Must Redefine Your Life
How are you feeling in your life? Life offers us signs. Here are 7 of the most common. All we need to do is listen and decide to respond. So get ready to ask yourself: Am I ready to redefine my life?