Official announcement (including video) that I am taking a break to find my true authenticity. This is not a goodbye. It is a healthy moment of RESET. Read on for my thank you to you and some really important reminders.
How To Begin Making Sense of Life, Death, and God
Have you ever doubted God? Do you believe more in God when things work out and less when tragedy hits? I am not a believer in any one thing, but today I am making sense of life, death, and God. At least, I am trying to.
Why We Must Pay More Attention To Offering Love
Today I offer two stories that may break your sensitive heart. They are reminders about the importance of paying attention and offering love. Today is the day we remember that we are the heroes of the world.
How To Best Support Your Greatest Intentions For The Whole Year
Our greatest intentions need support. We forget this. And so our purpose escapes us. But it does not have to be this way. Here are a few suggestions to hold on to them all year long.
When You Are Somewhere Between Despair and Dreams
It is possible to experience both our despair and our dreams at the same time and it is important to hold on to both. This is what I am doing here. This is what I am sharing with you today.
How To Practice Forgiveness – 6 Ways To Release Hurt & Anger
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things we can ask of ourselves. But practicing forgiveness is freedom. Begin to heal your hurt with these 6 forgiveness practices.
How To Choose Yourself First – Lessons On Paying Attention
We have such a difficult time stepping outside of our plan. However, it is often when you step away that you choose to choose yourself first.
7 Day Self-Care Challenge – 5 Steps To Your Best Self
Are you ready to take the Self-Care Challenge? But first. Self-care. What is your relationship with it? We have all heard the phrase, Self-care is anything but selfish. We see messages like this everywhere. You cannot provide for others on…
10 Daily Reminders That You Need To Use To Love Yourself, Be Grateful and Feel Empowered
A daily reminder is a word, phrase, or set of phrases that remind us how we want to show up and pushes us forward when we feel like giving up. Here are 10 daily reminders to save you every day!
You Are Doing Life Right – How To Embrace Our Vulnerability & Fear
Do you question if you are doing life right? It is ok as long as you learn how to face your vulnerability and fear and always arrive at The Return in the end.
7 Mindset Makeovers – How to Switch Self-Sabotaging into Best Self
Most of us self-sabotage way too often. This prevents us from reaching our full potential. Learn to switch debilitating mindsets to empowerment and find your best self.
35 Personal Mantras To Love Yourself and Your Life Right Now + Everyting you need to know for your personal practice
You do not have to be any particular type of person to benefit from personal mantra. Without knowing it, you use them all the time. Here is everything you need to know about starting or improving your personal mantra practice!